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About Article Submissions:

Updated January 2024

Wish to publish a guest post?
Register a free account to publish long-form content, or get an “Essentials 2” account to post both long-form and short-form content.

About the Listiller blog: While the homepage is specifically about finding writing and editing jobs, the Listiller blog covers a wider range of topics – mainly business + money + success.

Self-serving links are accepted as long as they greatly enhance your article.

Acceptable Long-form Topics:
  • Freelance work: Ways to make money as a freelancer (writing or other)
  • Side hustles: Ways to make extra cash every now and then, online or offline
  • Blogging: Topics about blogging and online presence (WordPress, product reviews, and more)
  • Social media:
  • Tips or observations about most social media platforms
  • Case studies:on notable people / businesses, and what you can learn from them
  • Self-help relating to the above: Work-life balance, productivity, discipline, establishing routines, and more

Word count for long-form content: 600 words minimum (this may change in the future)

Acceptable short-form Topics:

Note: You need an “Essentials 2” account to post short-form content. It’s well worth it, plus it allows you to publish much quicker.

  • Most of the above topics…but in short-form (when appropriate)
  • News relating to the above: Short news, preferably with your own opinion for added personality
  • Influencer profiles: Analysis / bio on notable people / bloggers / influencers
  • Curious questions & answers:For example: “How Can I Improve My Work-Life Balance as a Busy Dad?” (followed by a satisfactory answer)

Word count for short-form content: 200 words minimum (this may change in the future)

Other Details:
  • All entries must be unique
  • Don’t submit vague topics or those that have been covered to death all over the web.
  • Add some personality! A little smile here, a little joke there, an innocent opinion, etc.