Need help with a Script for a cartoon – .09 cents per word
I need help writing a funny and detailed script for an animation I’m working on. I wrote a script but the formatting is all wrong and the more I look at it the more difficult it is to picture what I’m trying to communicate. I write something down and think to myself “man this is so funny in my head”but when I read what I wrote it just doesn’t flow the same. I need to be able to look at the script and draw it for my storyboard without having to fill in the blanks in my mind if that makes any sense so if you are good at writing something funny and detailed please DM me and we can talk about payment and we can fix my dubstep fire writing lol.
What I have right now is about 1800 words so I imagine we will end up with something about 2000 give or take so Ill pay .09 cents per word ( we will be rewriting what i have or if you have a better idea all together I wont be very opposed to just abandoning what I have all together.
Finally, a portfolio that automatically *updates itself* whenever you publish an article anywhere online.
It also backs up your clips so they’re always available 😮
This almost feels like a cheat code, all thanks to Authory – learn more about it here.
TLDR .09 cents per word to rewrite a script I can use to efficiently animate a short funny cartoon