Writer and Advocate on Politics for a Viable Future
We are looking for an exceptional person who wants to make a difference in today’s world.
Since our founding in 1995 we have had a commitment to work with both Democrats and Republicans. However, this does not involve compromising on issues such as health care for all. Health is a right. Period. All modern states agree.
Biden failed to make any serious effort for health care reform.
We also need to stop the growing escalation of endless wars.
We strongly oppose some of President Trump’s views but the American people rejected Biden and the Democrats in Congress. Thus, there is a need to find common ground if that can be done.
The disaster of the US foreign policy in Gaza is part of larger problems of Biden’s failed leadership.
America has spent $8 trillion on failed wars since 2000. It has killed 4 million people and ruined the lives of millions more. Meanwhile, Biden has raised military spending to its highest levels since World War II in constant dollars.
Clearly there is a need for change. Democrats lost because of Biden’s failures.
We cover current events but we also spend a lot time communicating relevant ideas in history, religion and philosophy.
We have a special interest in the use of art, film and music for the communication of ideas and have studied how this has been done in history.
We want somebody in the Washington DC area who is good at writing and communicating ideas. You can do most of your work on a virtual basis but you do need to be in this area for networking in person with relevant people.
A top priority issue is health care for all (as in every modern state). This must become national policy not an election year slogan.
The protection of the natural world is also a priority. Animal rights are a part of this.
We have been in business since 1995.
We are looking for a creative writer who can also network with relevant groups and leaders to work for positive change.
This position is a top priority for us. We have made a special page on our web site for it. Please go to this page.
If you want, you could start out on a part-time basis to see if this works.
Health insurance can be available for full time employees.
Follow the directions on this page if you are interested.