Seeking part time VA (virtual assistant)

Help me save Humanity.

No, you can’t do it by yourself, we ALL have to work together.

Agencies and clients: Looking for writers and editors?

Post a job about: Writing / copy editing / copywriting / social media management / virtual assistance (computing tasks)

You must be intelligent, have a high attention to detail, and be fluent in reading and writing English so there’s no miscommunication. I also leave VMs on Telegram.

I provide detailed instructions through text and videos for tasks 1 & 2, but you should be bright.

Bonuses when working with me are:

1. I correct your English which is free tutoring lessons, but you still have to be an 8 out of 10. If I can’t understand you and you lie saying you are fluent when you aren’t, please don’t respond.

2. You will learn a ton both about the Truth, and how to hone your skills, and that in and of itself is worth more than all the money I could give you. Knowledge is POWER.

This is a part time job for $3-4/hour. Around 2-4 hours per week, maybe a bit more.

I’m a Truther activist. I work full time for FREE to help save Humanity and our Mother Earth from the war we are in.

I’ve been studying the Truth since 2015.

ANYONE who chooses to ignore what is going on is part of the problem and is supporting our destruction. If you think what’s going on worldwide is normal, please don’t respond.

If you think the economic situation is bad organically, then you don’t know the Truth. This was ALL pre-planned decades ago and is only going to get WORSE.

Do you want to help save our Human species, or look the other way pretending like nothing is happening & everything is normal?

Remember all those movies you saw about doom and gloom?

That’s called predictive programming. The evils tell us what they plan to do, and if we don’t stop them, WE are responsible for our demise.

Tap into your inner Warrior and help me fight THEM!!!

This is why the hourly rate is low, and that’s even too high for me since there’s a lot of work, and everything comes out of my pocket from the p/t work that I do to make money.

I need at least 2-4 VAs to help me. I’m flooded with studying the Truth every day, then I educate others.

Everything is happening very fast since the war started in March 2020, and unless you are in the awake community, you will have no clue, since the fake news won’t tell you, they are controlled just like

everything else.