Pitch: Raseef22 looks for MENA politics, culture, opinion pieces – 20+ cents per word

Raseef22 is looking for pitches:

PITCH CALL: I’m now editing Raseef22 and I’m eager to commission writers in, or from, the MENA region for reported and opinion essays; political, historical, and media analysis; and radical visions of a united Arab front. Pitch me your ideas: english@raseef22.com

There’s also room for book and film reviews, photo essays, illustrations, and comic strips. 

Here’s a comprehensive pitch guide and list of topics/stories I recently commissioned that align with what we’re looking for moving forward: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKYBSttqqrg5KCDcxuR4RPtcvn3ZENrASExfaK34sJg/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.t4ycd1f1r3im

We pay fair rates (20+ cents per word) and usually ask for 600-800 words, unless the story/angle calls for more! 

Apply/questions: tracy@raseef22.com

Website: https://raseef22.net/english/