Short-Form YouTube Scriptwriter | Kaz Sawyer – $20-$40 Per Project

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About the job

Looking to hire a short form video scriptwriter, must understand, hooks, engagement, etc. Starting out my team and I will send voice memos about the general video concept as well as how we envision the video going, and then with that information, you will turn it into a detailed video script/outline with an ordered shot-list, making it seamless for the filming process as well as making it seamless for the editor. Eventually once you’re familiar and comfortable making scripts/outlines for my content, I’d like to be able to send over the general video idea and have the entire script written from there, and potentially even come up with video concepts for my channel as well. Candidate will need to do plenty of research while making the outline of the video and assure the video is logistically possible. Ideally would like to have a separate section of the video outline that states the “needed things” for the video and have a list of the various things needed

Ideal candidate

Someone who has plenty of experience scriptwriting / forming a detailed video outline, as well as someone who is extremely creative + knows the science behind making a viral video. The videos may look random from the outside but line by line they have been carefully curated to make the video as engaging and visually aesthetic as possible. Must study and get familiar with my content. Huge plus if you have experience doing scriptwriting for other large YouTube channels in a similar Niche, understanding of the backside of the industry but not necessary. Thank you so much for your time and interest, if you decide to apply I’ll be looking for the creative ways you decide to differentiate yourself.

Job requirements

Creative genius Experienced writer Proficient with technological tools Fluent English References Must study and get familiar with my content Huge plus if you have experience doing scriptwriting for other large YouTube channels in a similar Niche.