10 Tips for a Freelancer to Boost Productivity


One interesting quote regarding productivity that always puts a smile on my face states that, by drinking coffee, you will achieve stupid results more quickly and with more energy!

Well, while having a cup of coffee is allowed, there are better methods of accomplishing your daily assignments and be productive while at it. In my quest for ideas of increasing productivity at work, I have gathered quite a few tips.

So whether you are weary of your work environment or searching for new habits to boost your productivity as freelancer, the following 10 productivity pointers will come in handy. 

Related: Great books on productivity, writing, and efficiency by Bryan Collins

5 Organizational Proposals to Boost Productivity in the Freelancing Workplace

Drinking Lots of Water Works Wonders

To be highly productive, it is vital to stay well hydrated, and by this, we mean drinking water, not fizzy drinks, energy drinks, or your favorite coffee.

It is advisable to always have a bottle of water near you. If you spend most of your time at a computer workstation, your break sessions are a great time to rehydrate. Embracing this habit ultimately gives you clarity of mind and an energized body.

Stay Away From the Phone

For some people, staying away from their phone even for an instant is a huge challenge. If your phone is absolutely essential for work, ensure that the notifications are silenced or disabled. But if the phone isn’t necessary otherwise, why not place it in another room or somewhere you can’t reach it easily? 

Every instance that you pause working to scroll through the phone is a moment wasted and your productivity is affected.

In her article in Pick the Brain, Rebecca Benson says that phones are among the most distracting things and that people are easily tempted to scroll through their social media pages for instant satisfaction.

Make Sure That Your Freelancing Workspace is Stimulating

It makes perfect sense to create a workspace that encourages positive habits and stirs the desire to deliver superb results. Needless to say, your work surroundings should stimulate you to be more creative. 

If there are any quotes that motivate you, go ahead, print and stick them somewhere strategic where they can be read easily. Even better, a family picture might be just what you need to bring out the best in you.

 You can never go wrong with a houseplant in your workspace and allowing in more natural light is a great way to stay relaxed. Make your workplace unique and anything that makes you more productive; ensure that you incorporate it in the office.

Music Can Help When Working

It is true that while some people might find music highly distracting when working, others are more productive listening to their favorite tune. Thus, it is recommended that every person experiments with what works for them. 

The secret is to play music that will add to your efficiency and productivity. If you have a pretty complex and long project, elevating and inspiring music might just be what you need. When you are highly stressed, why not try piano sonatas to bring about relaxation?

Remember, music should help make you more productive at work and not distract you.

 It is important to have space in your workspace in addition to everything being in its rightful place. Create a list of everything that is needed on a daily basis to accomplish your tasks, while prioritizing any resources and tools you use most.

Next, arrange them well and ensure that they are easily accessible so that you only have to spend a minimal amount of time looking for them. Note that this applies to physical items plus digital information. To be on the safe side, you can incorporate an app for password protection.

5 Organizational Tips for the Mind

Strategize for the Next Day the Night Before

While getting enough sleep is crucial to being productive, it is not always easy to sleep effortlessly. You should adopt a strategy of jotting down your next day’s objectives before sleeping.

 This will help organize your ideas on paper and also clear your mind more effectively. In addition, continuously check what you wrote and make changes or improvements as needed.

Concentrate on Your Big Three

Now it’s time to categorize your tasks. Michael Hyatt suggests prioritizing (and capitalizing on) the Big three assignments, especially those that are crucial and have a tight deadline. 

It makes perfect sense that knowing your priorities makes completing tasks much easier; therefore, selecting the day’s objectives should be given the seriousness it deserves. It is advisable to keep the list in a strategic place to better keep you on your toes any time there are distractions.

Be Aware of Your Optimal Time Span

What is the duration you can spend on a project before getting exhausted? Or rather, what is the average period you can spend on a task before you become unproductive?  Can you write for 30 minutes, cold pitch for half that time or handle design tasks for one hour?

 Whatever the scenario, just make sure you understand your optimal timeframe for a particular task and apply it. By beating any deadlines, this technique gives you the freedom of optimizing the time on your hands. Better yet, you can split your day into periods that best match your work style.

Enhance Productive Habits

There are times when a person can get so enthusiastic about a new idea that they end up overlooking something that is already there. While it is enticing to apply a fresh technique that will turn the tables in your favor, it is vital to note that some of your already-established habits do play a huge role, too.

 For instance, request for a workmate or partner to help you single out your existing strengths. Then, it’s only a matter of continuously applying these positive points in your life.

Acknowledge Variety

Regardless of whether you are working, having fun or taking a much-deserved break, always appreciate life fully. By cherishing the crucial part that routinely plays in your life, being productive without breaking a sweat becomes more achievable. 

By realizing the purpose in each task, enjoying what you do will be a walk in the park — just remember to rest accordingly. Accord each the respect and time they deserve and know when to quit one and begin the other.

Test and Iterate

Before attacking your tasks this coming week, carefully scrutinize the method you use to accomplish them. Maybe there is a time during the day when you seem to drag through tasks or the clutter around your workplace frustrates you, for example.

Also, do you find settling your mind a challenge after checking out for the day? In any case, by understanding the tips given above, you can hardly miss at least one idea that will improve your working day and assist you to be more productive.

Ben Tejes writes for Ascend and Saved by the Cents that provides resources to help people realize their full potential. In his free time, Ben likes to go on adventures with his wife and two young daughters.